Baumgartèn M.I. 1
Kuznetsov V.P. 2
Kuleshov V.K. 3
Fadeev Y.A. 1
1 FGBOU VPO «Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev»
2 NTK «Ecology»
3 National Research «Tomsk Polytechnic University»
Considered non-destructive inspection methods for input and output types of actions on the product (sample). The diversity of methods leads to an incorrect understanding of the essence of NDT methods, especially with respect to complex methods or integrated. Discusses some complex methods , which are based on acoustic, electric and magnetic methods. It is shown that various combinations of these techniques form a complex methods for a wide field of materials research NDT methods. Determined the most suitable method for monitoring the strength properties of the laminates. In this method, the energy of the acoustic probe containing both audio and Ultrasonic frequency. The response signal is electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy is due to the transformation of acoustic energy particles ferroelectric crystallites using direct piezoelectric effect, which they have previously created and particle coherent cooperative system.