Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Budylina E.A. 1 Garkina I.A. 2 Danilov A.M. 2 Sorokin D.S. 2
1 Moscow state university of mechanical engineering (MAMI) (Russia
2 Penza state university of architecture and construction (Russia
Considered logical and methodological models used in the analysis and synthesis of composite materials such as complex systems. Taking into account the specific features of diagnosis: the complexity of the object of knowledge (multidimensionality, multiply); lack of time diagnostics; relative and the probabilistic nature of the diagnostic information. Identifies the main errors in the construction of the diagnostic concept (incorrect logic that establishes a connection with the main factors diagnostic conclusion). Considered and diagnosis model based on plausible reasoning (on the analogy). Provides diagnosis based on probabilistic relations. An application to construct a cognitive map (digraph) for the synthesis of special purpose is considered.