Valyukevich Y.А. 1
Alepko A.V. 1
Yakovenko D.M. 1
1 Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) Don State Technical University
This paper investigates the design parameters of the parallel structure of the manipulator with flexible links, to reduce the load on its links. The dependence of the distribution of power cable tension traditional structure of the manipulator, as well as structures with arbitrary shape of the service area. The dependence of the distribution of power cable tension when the height of the support columns. On the basis of a system of nonlinear equations, which allows to determine the values of forces tension ropes at any point of space, in MATLAB, a comparative analysis of the data structures. Studies have shown that the lowest loadings on the links manipulators have the same size of the working space of the axes OX, OY, as well as with increased diagonal columns by 75 percent.