Varenik A.S. 1
Varenik K.A. 1
1 The Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University
The article has been presented experimental data on curves of the characteristics of creep of wood. The experiments revealed that at compression, tension and bending creep deformation significantly differs. The experimental results indicate the need for the design models of elastic-plastic properties and nonlinear creep of wood. The analysis of creep equations proposed by different scientists has been presented. The conclusion has been drawn that in existing models of long durability instant nonlinearity and at the same time nonlinear creep of wood isn’t considered. Processing of experimental data has been executed and curves limit value of characteristics of creep have been received at bend and compression. Analytical expressions of characteristics of creep depending on level of tension have been received. Approximating dependences can be used for finding of long durability of elements at compression taking into account creep of wood.