Gaychuk D.V. 1
Gaychuk V.U. 2
1 Stavropol State Agrarian University
2 North-Caucasus Federal University
The functional dependence of probability of an error from the relation a signal/noise, side peaks of an envelope autocorrelated (ρАКФ) and mutually correlative function (ρВКФ) signals, nonorthogonality coefficient (ρНО) signals which adequacy is confirmed by possibility of receiving in special cases of known dependences for probability of an error of the diagram of reception on a method of square summing is removed. Results of researches showed that the most noiseproof is the orthogonal system (ρНО = 0) meeting conditions of division of rays (ρАКФ = 0, ρВКФ = 0). In case of increase ρАКФ, ρВКФ and ρНО to 0.2 probability of an error increases a little and a deviation from orthogonality and conditions of division of rays it is possible to compensate small increase in signal power. When , and aim at 1, signals become indiscernible. So in case of ρАКФ = 0.5, ρВКФ = 0.5 and ρНО = 0.5 already any increase in power of the transmitter can’t compensate correctness falling. The received results will allow to select optimum systems of signals for use from two-beam communication links.