Garkina I.A. 1
Danilov A.M. 1
Sorokin D.S. 1
1 Penza state university of architecture and construction (Russia
The technique of objective estimation of operator characteristics of the object in the normal functioning of the whole man-machine system is given. Relevance of the study is the need to obtain the required characteristics training systems for the preparation of operators of mobile systems. Assessment methodology is based on a specially developed functionals. It allows you to compare the dynamic characteristics of the two systems: the operator - the real object and the operator - the model object. In functional accounted aperiodicity or oscillating object, natural frequencies, damping dimensionless coefficients, and other invariants of matrix equations of motion. C using a functional defined on equal ratings. It is possible to establish the class of an object at a given scale. The practical implementation of the methodology is given.