Gorshkov Y.E. 1
1 I.N. Ulyanov’s Chuvash State University Cheboksary
Was carried out the analysis of method of conditional minimization and direct search in application to the solving of problems of optimization of parameters of arc extinguishing chamber. For the methods of conditional minimization was revealed the possibility of application of method of penalty and barrier functions, together with the quickest descent method of conjugate directions. For direct search methods was revealed that in the problem of energy release minimization in the arc extinguishing chamber when increasing the tentative steps by optimization parameters the application of the grid methods and its modifications can be effective. While considering the complex method was noted out as well, that its application can substantially diminish the time of attainment of the minimum energy release in the chamber.By practical realization on computer of the investigated methods of optimization were revealed their disadvantages. The most suitable for the solving of the mentioned above tasks are the methods of penalty and barrier functions, the Box’s complex method, the method of sliding admission and the random search with self learning. When carrying out a series of computational experiments if was revealed that the Box’s complex method has shown the most rapid convergence in relation to the solution of the arc extinguishing chamber’s automatic circuit-breakers parameters optimization.