Gubarev V.Y. 1
1 Voronezh State Academy of Forestry Engineering and Technologies (394087
The article presents a method for calculating the minimum allowable temperature of the atmosphere, which can work with painting and drying chamber at work on technical service Logging trucks at timber enterprises. Author calculated the minimum allowable temperature for example painting and drying chamber Conquer M1.5-W1.5. It is shown that in the cockpit to create painting and drier conditions are necessary for a paint application is required to provide the air flow rate in an empty cabin at least 0.17 m / s but not more than 0.30 m / s (optimal air flow rate 0.22 ... 0.24 m / s). To explain the method of calculating the required capacity of the ventilation system for the calculation of the chamber is made Prestige M1.5/W1.5 with internal dimensions of the cabin length of 7.2 m and a width of 3.96 m Actual performance of the ventilation system is 22000 m3 M1.5/W1.5 / h, which is more than the minimum required and hence is sufficient. If necessary, check the condition that the performance of the ventilation system does not exceed the maximum allowed, invited to perform a recalculation, but instead of the minimum allowable airflow is necessary to take a maximum of 0.3 m / s. Actual performance of the ventilation system M1.5/W1.5 is 22000 m3 / h, which is less than the maximum allowed , and therefore is acceptable to provide the conditions necessary for a proper application of paints. The article also made a comparative analysis of the technology used to heat the surface of the carin the painting and drying chamber by Metron and by IRT.