Datciuk T.A. 1
Ivlev Y.P. 1
Pukhkal V.A. 1
1 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering»
The analysis of heating systems was carried out and the possibility of intermittent heating use in residential buildings and living rooms is established. The mathematical model studying features of microclimate creation in living room with outside airflow coming through ventilation valves with respect to different types of heat appliances (convection heaters and radiators) is developed. The “STAR-CD” software product was used in calculations. The system of aerodynamical and heat transmission equations was solved for a non-stationary problem statement and a time step from 1 to 10 seconds. Dependencies of inside air’s temperature changes in four reference points were obtained. The heterogeneity of living room’s air temperature field when outside air comes through ventilation valves is established. It is concluded that living room’s air temperature field depends to a considerable degree on type of heating appliance (radiator or convection heater).1