Dubova I.V. 1
Sanacheva G.S. 1
Ryabov O.N. 1
1 Siberian Federal University
This article is devoted to new approach of bachelor engineering education majored in metallurgy according to CDIO ideology. We consider the structure of integrated discipline “Introduction to engineering” which consists of 10 modules. This course allows students from module to module to involve in engineering activity and develop personal and interpersonal aspects of “projecting and implementation” competence. As an example we describe content of one module “Introduction to practice of engineering”. We demonstrate how to motivate students to become steelworkers through advancement of their understanding of the essence and types of engineering activity, innovative activity of engineers. Further we show elaborated principles of organization of innovative teaching of the module in accordance with ideas of CDIO: the context of engineering education, practice-orientation, projecting “from an idea to the product”. Selection of the content and active techniques should go with impelentation of all these principles.