Vavilova О.S. 1
Pilkin A.N. 1
1 Federal public budgetary educational institution of the higher professional education “Ryazan state radio engineering university” (“RGRTU” FGBOU VPO)
In article the method of recognition of phonemes by means of vevlet-transformation is described, pilot studies are given in Matlab system. It is also shown that veyvlet-transformation is the best means of processing of speech signals. The description is given to the device of a human ear, shown that in a snail the membrane which is a peculiar set of the biomechanical filters which each site when processing a signal passes fluctuations of only one frequency settles down. It is also shown that transformation of a speech signal processed and transferred to a brain to within a constant coincides with vevlet-decomposition of this signal. Further it is presented vevlet-transformation in application to recognition of the distorted speech. The pilot researches conducted in Matlab system are also presented.