Weinstein V.M. 1
Nekhoroshkov P.A. 1
Weinstein E.V. 1
Miroshin A.N. 1
1 FGBOU VPO «Volga Region State Technological University”
Results of research of a condition of clay soil on materials of geological researches are given, change of average humidity of soil is determined by approbation depth under natural conditions, the coefficient of a variation of humidity by results of experimental data is specified, settlement humidity and mechanical characteristics of soil is defined. The subject of research is actual as settlement humidity of soil at design and calculation of a design of road clothes for standard sources decides on the help of the coefficient of the variation equal 0,1 average across the Russian Federation. Determination of the actual value of coefficient of a variation in the Maritureksky region of RME on materials of pilot studies differs from the standard. It in final value changes mechanical characteristics of soil that has impact on thickness of constructive layers of road clothes.