Vasileva O.V. 1
1 National research Tomsk polytechnic university
Work is devoted to the information of problems of the decision of the differential equations in private derivatives to well developed investigative techniques of nonlinear dynamic systems which allow to compare the equation in private derivatives with dynamic system to its subsequent modeling by means of electrotechnical arrangements, analog-digital complexes. Modeling pictures of electromagnetic fields on the basis of transients without availability of false jumps is considered at construction of lines of an equal current in environment of the circuitry MATLAB-Simulink. The novelty of the algorithm consists in the reduction of differential equations in partial derivatives of the Laplace and Poisson for a dynamical system – the system of nonlinear differential equations of the 1-st order on the basis of electrotechnical equivalent circuits. The block diagram of dynamic system which displays dynamics of process where elements of the scheme are operational amplifiers on the basis of whom the electrotechnical equivalent circuit can be compared is made.