Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Vasileva O.V. 1
1 National research Tomsk polytechnic university
In article the method of data of the physical processes happening in the electromagnetic drive of the vacuum switch, to the presented electrotechnical equivalent circuit is described, the problem of calculation of a magnetic field of system of a difficult configuration with the subsequent calculation of inductance is considered. Discrete values of inductance by means of spline approximation were transformed to the continuous. Calculation of inductance was carried out through energy of a magnetostatic field in different intervals of time. The decision of system of the differential equations of balance of tension and current in a chain is received, its connection with mechanical processes in system is established. Idea of relative deposits of different types of energy in formation of process and influence of various types of dissipation of energy, processes of transfer and transformations of one type of energy in another is given. As correctness of work of algorithm calculation of balance of energy of considered system is carried out.