Velikanov A.V. 1
Zatcepin V.V. 2
1 FGKVOU VPO “Military educational scientific center of Military and air forces “Military and air academy of a name of professor N.E.Zhukovskogo and Yu.A.Gagarin”
2 Training center of preparation of junior experts of Military and air forces (m / h 20925)
The analysis of the modern land special aircraft equipment is carried out, its main shortcomings are revealed. Definite purpose of development of system of means of land service of aircrafts, and their influence on increase of combat readiness of aviation bases. The role of towers of aircrafts in the general system of preparatory means of aviation complex taking into account features of operation of airfield tractors in various weather conditions is considered. The analysis of results of researches of domestic and foreign scientists is carried out and the main directions of increase of efficiency of use of towers of aircrafts are formulated. The way of transportation of aircrafts with use of an airfield mobile electrical unit and the krivoshipny towing device is considered. The design of this device is offered. Economic efficiency of use of the device is proved. The technique of implementation of process of towage of aircrafts with use of the krivoshipny shipping device is described. It is experimentally defined that use of the considered towing device allows to increase economic efficiency, to reduce not productive fuel consumption and motor potential, and also the noise level and impurity of environment around airfield.