Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Lyptsev S.A. 1 Volkov E.B. 1
1 Ural state mining University
The analysis of the motion of a particle of rock above the surface of the vibrating screen. According to theoretical and experimental studies have shown that the slope of the plane of the working surface of the screening significantly affect the efficiency of screening to determine the input parameters of vibrating screen, a mathematical model of the behavior of the ore particles on the work surface noise. The mathematical model contains differential equations of motion of the particles of rock along the inclined surface of the screens, as well as the ratio of the particles upon impact with the surface of the basis of the dependence of the numerical calculations based on the formulas for the averaged values ​​of the coefficients of friction and recovery when they hit the steel surface. The recommendations on the definition of technological parameters of vibrating screen, providing the most efficient separation. Recommendations are given for the choice of design parameters of the screening.