Aksyonov K.A. 1
Spitcina I.A. 1
Sysoletin E.G. 1
Makedonsky A.M. 1
Aksyonova O.P. 1
1 Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
This article describes method of integration of simulation models, that being used in corporate information enterprises system. Integration’s task is researched on example of real-time models, that being used in control’s processes, diagnostic and making decisions. In base of presented method is used multiagent’s way based on agents with knowledge. Multiagent’s model of resources transformation process, that being supported multi-time modeling (discrete event, agent, queueing system), is used like dynamic model. For justification of the proposed technical solution of integration’s module, existing MQ services were analyzed. Domain ontology, that being used for semantic integration of data, that necessary for simulation of technological processes, business processes and logistics processes, is presented. The Java programming language is used for system development for providing cross-platform ability.