Gerasin A.A. 1
Ismagilov F.R. 2
Khairullin I.H. 2
Pashali D.Y. 2
Boykova O.A. 2
Vavilov V.E. 2
1 Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Systems”
2 FGBOU VPO “Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Magnetic bearings (MB) are becoming more widely used шn modern industry. The use of MB in high-technical systems (HTS) is having particular interest because the application of a magnetic field allows us to solve their problems friction losses. Due to the prevalence of MB rather urgent questions arise diagnostic their technical condition. Therefore, the aim of this work is the analysis of the possibility of diagnosing MB by an external magnetic field (EMF) in practice. To meet the goal in the following tasks: development of experimental stands for studies of axial and radial magnetic field, and the method of experimental research EMF both ways, MB, MB experimental studies with the influence of external magnetic fields and environmental conditions, a comparison of experimental data with data from computer simulations performed in the software package Ansys; certain numerical characteristics of the diagnostic criteria MB with specific geometric dimensions.