Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Gilmanshina T.R. 1 Mamina L.I. 1 Baranov V.N. 1 Lytkina S.I. 1 Partyko E.V. 1
1 Institute of nonferrous metals and material science
While searching for equipment with set-up parameters a student loses very much time and in so doing may be unsuccessful in such search, which substantially complicates educational process. For the purpose of optimization of equipment search on the “Foundry Engineering” Department, the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian Federal University” created a data base named “Technological Equipment of Foundries”. This program contains more than 2500 models of founding equipment with its description, operating principle, processing characteristics and blueprints. Search of founding equipment may be performed by the name, purpose and processing characteristics of a model. The program may be operated in English if necessary. The data base not only facilitates searching, but also enlarges mental outlook of a student regarding the course 150400.62 “Metallurgy”, specialization 150400.04.62 “Foundry Engineering” due to the plentitude of given information.