Gotlib B.M. 1
Sergeev R.F. 1
Vakalyuk A.A. 1
1 Ural state university of railway transport
A research of the rheological and mechanical properties of die steels 5HNM, 5HNM2, 5HNMSH at higher temperatures in the range 450...650 °C was done. These steels are used in manufacturing of large-sized dies for hot die forging products from high-strength steels and alloys. In the technical literature is almost no data on the rheological properties of die alloys at higher temperatures and loads. The paper gives an instant diagram of elastic-plastic deformation and short-term creep of die steels in the temperature range of 450...650 °C and loads of 100...250 MPa. To research the rheological properties of the steels were used standard cubic samples made from die material and heat treated by quenching at 860 °C with cooling in oil and tempered at 560 °C for three hours. Additional fracture toughness coefficient of 5HNMSH steel was determined by samples fatigue in a circular bend tests results. Derived results of rheological properties of die steels are used for calculations of the elastic-plastic deformation of dies in the forging process of products made of hardly-deformed metals and alloys to improve the accuracy of stamped products. Job was done by 05.16.05 specialty - Plastic metal forming.