Aksyonova O.P. 1
Aksyonov K.A. 1
Antonova A.S. 1
Smoliy E.F. 1
1 Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
The problem of the graphical notation selection for enterprise processes description is presented in the paper. In this work was represented analysis graphical notations: Unified Modeling Language (UML), IDEF0, IDEF3, DFD, EPC, BPMN, graphical analytical schemes. Comparative analysis of the notations has been performed by the use of two criteria groups. The first group includes a description of the features of technological, logistical and organizational enterprise processes. The second group focuses on the description of the standard permanent business process of production processes changing. EPC, BPMN and multi-agent resource conversion processes graphical notations have been chosen as a result of notation comparison via the first criteria group. The comparison via the second criteria group has led to the selection of EPC, BPMN, and UML. Selected graphical notations are supposed to realize in the simulation system.