Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Gusev A.L. 1
1 Perm state pedagogical university
The main result in the stopping rule for the control “of the last two objects r1 defective object or objects from the past r2 - k2 defective object” for the classical control is formulated as a theorem. Stopping rules for monitoring the continuous monitoring of the plan, in which they come to play a significant role. If the actual number of inspected objects to the stop control is less than expected number of inspected facilities for fixed (likely date of the object, that is, for the smooth progress of production facilities), that any measures are taken to restore the normal course of production. This may be a replacement or readjustment of industrial equipment in the mass production of objects or preventive measures in monitoring health outcomes. If the actual number of inspected objects to the stop control is equal to or more than expected number of inspected facilities for fixed, then control continues without taking any action.