Danilov A.N. 1
1 Perm national research polytechnic university
The multi-channel model of quality management of realization of an educational program of university on the basis of negentropy approach is considered. The education students quality is defined by the level of formation of the declared competences which is estimated by the volume of the useful information (negentropy) saved up by students. The principle of control on a deviation, where a controlled variable appears negentropic assessment of the quality of training students at different educational program of the university is used. Educational program for students is divided into 3 parts: the accumulation of knowledge in the study of academic disciplines, the formation of skills in the practical section and the formation of students’ possessions when the interdisciplinary program sections (Research work of students, production practices, the implementation of the final qualifying work). Quality control can be carried out separately for the level of development of each component of the stated competencies.