Alexandrin A.M. 1
Gafarov E.R. 1
Lemberg K.V. 1
Panko V.S. 1
Polenga S.V. 1
Ryazantsev R.O. 1
Salomatov Y.P. 1
1 Siberian Federal University
The article presents a method of constructing and calculating of radially inhomogeneous dielectric which is based on axial splitting of a cylindrical fragment by thin discrete slices of starlike shape with the form of single ray, or petal, is to be calculated. For the purpose of calculation the discrete medium is considered as two-dimensional photonic crystal with spatial periods being function of radial coordinate of the cylinder. The effective permittivity of such crystal is defined by its filling coefficient. The plane wave expansion method was used to determine the effective permittivity. As the results of calculations a dependence of permittivity on filling coefficient, frequency and the periods of photonic crystal was obtained. The results were used for calculation of the shape of single petal, from which the discrete structure of inhomogeneous dielectric consists. The numerical simulation results of Selfoc lens with open waveguide feeder were presented, verifying the theoretical calculation.