Dulesov A.S. 1
Prutovyh М.А. 1
1 Katanov State University of Khakassia
In the article is presented the technique of finding of an optimum place of production objects’ siting and the example of its realization is given. Search of the decision leans on a complex of mathematical, optimization methods and geoinformation technologies. The technique assumes preliminary finding of possible places of object’s siting in the geographical territory, received by means of existing methods: logistic (definition of gravity’s center, solution of a task of a uniform average and a task of coverage), simulation modeling. Search by these methods is carried out on the basis of expenses about placement and deliveries of freights. The received values about siting’s places are approximated for the purpose of receiving criterion function of expenses and creation of admissible decisions’ area. The solution of the created optimization task is reached on the basis of gradient methods. Realization of the developed technique is considered on the example of production objects of a construction and industrial cluster. The technique possesses sufficient accuracy, universality and optimality in comparison with existing methods. For ensuring presentation of the decision is possible use of the geoinformation system, allowing to carry out the additional spatial analysis with display the received result.