Egorov A.L. 1
Merdanov M.Sh. 1
Chernyakov E.N. 1
Chernyakova O.O. 1
1 Tyumen state oil and gas university
In our country, because of the specific climatic conditions of a very acute problem of clearing snow from roads.Snow removal jobs require the introduction of more efficient methods of implementation. Need to reduce costs and reduce production time clearing snow on the roads. In addition, the number of cars is growing, making it difficult to Snow clearance operation. On the basis of the technical problem that we have considered a number of pilot plants for snow compaction. This issue is being actively studied by Russian scientists. The basic idea was the introduction of densification of snow during the loading of vehicles. Conducted practical experiments snow compaction using different types of equipment. As a result, we find that the higher the density of the snow, which are taken from the floor cleaning machines reduces the number of employees and increases the efficiency of snow removal systems, without overloading the highways of additional equipment.