Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Egorov A.L. 1 Merdanov M.S. 1 Chernyakov E.N. 1 Chernyakova O.O. 1
1 Tyumen state oil and gas university
The main operations in the construction of temporary winter roads are the alignment of the upper layer of snow and its further seal. Currently, for leveling on uneven road surfaces from snow and pre-compaction in most cases used a home-made sleds. The authors propose a new two-bladed plow. In plow containing angled to each other ribs attached along their knives and spacers connecting the ribs, the new is that the edge of the wedge formed as articulated trucks , the lower part of each of the shoe acts as a knife , with a spacer cross with a knife at the base of the wedge to form a planning pocket intended for sleep irregularities and seal roads. To improve the quality seal snow and road capacity reinforcement authors propose trailed steamroller. The device applies to road machines , namely, machines for compacting snow. This result is achieved by a horizontal tube trellis roller steam is heating the pipes and burn in the process of sealing the nozzles vertical holes in the snow. The proposed set of machines for the construction of temporary winter roads with little financial investment in technology and the addition of building additional reinforcement operations will significantly improve the quality of the construction and maintenance of temporary winter roads , and significantly extend the life of the road.