Eromasov R.G. 1
Nikiforova E.M. 1
Stupko T.V. 1
Dubinin P.S. 1
Vasileva M.N. 1
Simonova N.S. 1
1 Siberian Federal University
The results of physico-chemical studies of facing ceramic materials based on the forming of burnt land of different fractional composition. The formation of the ceramic crystal structure and mechanism of sintering is realized depends on the dispersion of burnt earth forming, part of the charge as a silica skeleton. Total shrinkage of ceramic materials in the process of firing increased from 2.13 to 2.48 and then to 4.02% as the used fraction of burnt earth forming from -0,315+0,08 to -0,08+0,056 to continue -0,056 to combined with cullet and clay fr. less than 0.056 mm. XRD data revealed a decrease in quartz content from 90.1 to 81.4% and increase in anorthoclase, with a decrease in the size of the fraction of burnt earth forming. Contents of the main crystalline phases and microstructure obtained confirms the patterns of change in physical and mechanical properties of fired samples, depending on the fineness of burnt forming earth.