Zavyalov A.Y. 1
Starzhinsky V.N. 1
Sovina S.V. 1
1 The Ural State Forest Engineering University
Soundproofing of noise sources by dint of fencing is the most radical way to reduce noise in woodworking. Double fences are more effective soundproof device as compared with single fences. Celling polycarbonate is promising material for the making of double fencing representing celling structure. Known theoretical methods for the determination of soundproof fences does not permit the effect of various constructional parameters of celling structures of their soundproofing properties. Therefore, soundproofing properties data of celling fences can define experimentally only. In addition, promotional materials of producer and marketers of celling polycarbonate are missing or are fragmentary information about its soundproofing. Research to determine the soundproofing properties of double fences with air layer and soundproofing material between the walls have been conducted.