Zinovieva O.S. 1, 2
Romanova V.A. 2
1 The National Research Tomsk State University
2 Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article is concerned with numerical study of the influence of loading conditions and grain size on the surface roughening and mesoscale deformation processes in polycrystalline aluminum alloy AL6061-T3 under quasistatic uniaxial tension. In describing the behavior of the material it was used mathematical apparatus of continuum mechanics on the assumption of maintaining continuity of the medium at the meso level under elastoplastic deformation. It is shown that the increase in grain size leads to the formation of larger relief folds on the surface of loaded polycrystallines. Constrained deformations conditions also cause the formation of higher folds with shorter period compared with the free lateral surfaces. To optimize the numerical calculations it was determined the minimum thickness of the sample for the study of the phenomena of strain relief. It has 3–4 average grain diameter.