Ivashchenko A.P. 1
1 Kamyshin Technology Institute (branch) of the Volgograd State Technical University
In article various works of authors in the field of lezviyny processing by the cutting tool of materials are considered, and the bigger accent was carried out for works in which the attention of dimensional passive hardness of the cutting tool and dimensional tool wear was paid. Besides works are taken into account in which process of cutting as difficult dynamic system are considered where nonlinear processes procceed with vibrations in the system of cutting with changes in time of properties of processed and tool materials. From the considered works the reasons were allocated which lead to decrease dimensional passive hardness of the cutting tool, namely: heterogeneity of structure of processed and tool materials, heterogeneity of plastic deformation of a processed material, change of forces in time at cutting the materials, wear of the tool, vibration of technological system.