Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Ilinykh I.A. 1 Burmistrov I.N. 1, 2 Mazov I.N. 1, 3 Kuznetsov D.V. 1 Yudintseva T.I. 1 Yusupov K.U. 1 Shevelev A.A. 2
1 National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”
2 Engels Technological Institute (branch)Saratov State Technical University of Y. A. Gagarin
3 Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS
In this work an analysis of influence of process parameters on a process of making of modifiers for road marking materials based on carbon nanotubes was performed. A possibility of creation of a wide concentration range of the carbon nanotubes im polymer-CNT masterbatchesby a coagulation precipitation method was shown.An effect of various precipitants on quality of the modifiers and actual nanocarbon content of the nanotubes were researched. Concentration limits of a creation of the modifiers are based on petroleum resin were substantiated. Identified in this work, it is necessary to consider a partial solubility of wax in most precipitants, and mainly in a mix of xylene and a precipitant when predicting an actual concentration of carbon nanotubes in the resulting composite. An influence of a nature of the different modifiers on a road marking materials resistance to abrasion was studied. It is shown that the highest wear resistance can be achieved by a direct introduction of carbon nanotubes in a polymer film-forming of the road marking. The choice of the most technologically and operationally suitable nanocarbon modifier was described.