Karev B.N 1
Chernyshev D.O. 1
Chernyshev O.N. 1
1 Urals state forestry engineering university
In article the creation of innovative wood based composite material «DS-1» is examined. This material possesses X-Ray protection properties and by the physical-mechanical properties exceeds the existing analogs. The optimal components ratio for the composite material obtainment - the plate «DS-1» is represented in the article. Practical researches for definition of a thickness of a plate «DS-1» which lowers intensity of x-ray radiation from initial size I0 to size are resulted IT(I0>IT). The experimental analysis has allowed to draw a conclusion that «DS-1» can be used for protection against x-ray radiation and can be used as lead replacement where the particular interest is represented by the formula which will allow to define a necessary thickness TDS of sheet «DS-1», allowing to replace sheet of lead in the thickness TC.