Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Korchuganova M.A. 1, 2 Syrbakov A.P. 1, 3
1 Yurginskiy Technological Institute (branch) of VPO “National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University”
2 Kemerovo branch of VPO “Moscow State University of Economics
3 VPO “Kemerovo Agricultural Institute”
One of the major current trends in the field of operation of the machines at the moment is the task of improving the reliability of rolling stock through a comprehensive assessment of the nodes on the basis of a time collecting iagnostic parameters. In our opinion, one of the promising methods of technical diagnostics of machines is the method of vibro-acoustic diagnostics, which allows for the appropriate recording equipment to detect defects in the development of machinery at an early stage. Most crucial node in a self-propelled machine is the engine of its effectiveness depends many operating parameters of the machine. Based on a laptop computer diagnostic system proposed for pre-assessment of the internal combustion engine components and mechanisms in the parameters of vibro-acoustic signal. For technical evaluation of the ICE scheme is proposed diagnosis of mechanical components for vibration parameters.