Andriyevskiy A.Р. 1
Zuyev A.Е. 1
1 Federal State Budget Institution of Science “Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology”
The article describes some new technological solutions in the construction of underground facilities, in the complex hydro-geological conditions allowing to form a solid concrete core along the contour of the constructed object, which provides its waterproofing, as well as to eliminate any possibility of perimeter rock massif violation while using blasting operations. To solve the task, while blasting the charge is created of the size, that makes it possible only for a crumple zone to form in rock massif closing all the fractures, and thus impermeable barrier is shaped. The size of the charge depends on the specific geological, mining and technical conditions of mining operations. For contouring the formed massif it is proposed to use compensatory cords that prevent crack propagation deep into the rock massif. The location of the compensatory cords is determined for specific geological and mining conditions and depends on the physical and technical properties of the used explosive and the strength properties of the surrounding massif.