Kostarev S.N. 1
1 State National Research Politechnical University of Perm
The analysis of models of management of sanitary landfill municipal solid waste (MSW). The one-planimetric model of management is considered by sanitary landfill MSW, сonsisting in generalization of parameters of a file of waste products. Lacks of model are considered. Approaches to construction of parametrical model are offered and the multiplanimetric dynamic model of management is developed by range TBO. Adjustable parameters (ratio СН4/CO2, issue streams, concentration of ions of heavy metals) and managing influences (a purge of a file, an irrigation, addition of reagents) are determined. On the basis of the carried out laboratory researches with the analysis of issue streams and procedures of management the transfer matrix which is taking into account interrelations of contours of management is developed. The system of the differential equations in frequency and time areas is developed. Approaches to the numerical decision of system of the differential equations in certainly – difference form are given. The developed control system allows taking into account direct managing influences of sanitary landfill MSW in view of stability of object of management.