Krevskiy I.G. 1
Glotova T.V. 1
Matukin S.V. 1
Sheremeteva E.G. 2
1 Penza branch of Russian State University for Innovation Technologies and Business
2 Penza State University
Modern information and communication technologies provide new forms and methods of communication that is attractive to the younger generation. Therefore, in order to attract young people to work in research – innovation sphere and support for youth entrepreneurship information mini – portal is developing. It will be used to create an environment of networking professional community of participants in youth innovation projects, university structures, business enterprises. The cooperation uses new forms and methods of communication and integrated possibilities of modern information and communication technologies. The portal provides a common social networking features in communication, as well as specialized functions for the professional community: working with the project (location and view), participation in competitions, organizing team of people for the project, the preparation of a business plan for the project, working with a component of the portal “Youth labor exchange” (placement resume and portfolio, job search), the formation and review score young professionals. The function of e-learning is implemented through interaction with an electronic network university that provides educational environment of continuous training. The information mini-portal is intended for the following groups of users: the youth participants of innovation projects, employers, investors, experts, innovation managers, brokers of knowledge. The functional opportunities of the user groups are shown in use case diagrams UML. The mechanisms of interaction between project participants are described.