Antipov K.V. 1
Khastcaev B.D. 1
1 FGBOU VPO «North-Caucasian institute of mining and metallurgi (State university of technology)» Vladikavkaz
The analysis of the management of the leaching of zinc production in which was revealed the need for a subsystem prevention of emergency situations (PPAS), which allows to the decision maker accurately detect negative situation and make recommendations for decision-makers to address them. The developed control architecture zinc leaching and functional diagram PPAS suggest a harmonized work both within the PPAS and the interaction with the existing control system leaching. Developed on the basis of functional blocks PPAS A generalized algorithm of its work, showing consolidated action within PPAS. However, in view of the fact that the PPAS functioning based on the data obtained from the existing system supervizor control and data acquisition (SSUSD) was further developed an algorithm for interactions PPAS, SSUSD and decision-makers.