Kuznetsov I.N. 1
Ruchai N.S. 1
1 Belporussian State Technological University
The technology of complex processing of grain alcohol stillage with receiving the fodder product enriched with microbic protein and the biogas were developed. The technology provides enzymatic splitting of polysaccharides of stillage, enrichment its by microbic protein by direct cultivation of specially allocated thermotolerant (40 °C) facultative anaerobic strain of yeast Lachancea sp., receiving protein-containing fodder product on the basis of a biomass and the weighed substances of stillage, an anaerobic fermentation of fugate with biogas production and final treatment of the degestrate by ultrafiltration. During the enzymatic treatment of stillage total amount cellulose decreases not less than 40% and promotes accumulation of a biomass of yeast as producers of protein and improve the quality of fodder product. The specific growth rate of the strain of yeast is 0,12 h-1. The sample of dry fodder product which contains 40 % of a crude protein and 23,6 % of digest protein is received. High effective UASB-reactor were used for fermentation of stillage fugate with biogas production. After final treatment by ultrafiltration of degestrate COD decreases to level 600–800 mg/l. The developed technology allows to receive from 1 t of stillage 50–55 kg of the fodder product enriched with protein and 13–14 m3 of biogas.