Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Kurenova I.V. 1 Cherunova I.V. 1 Merkulova A.V. 1 Bahvalov Y.A. 2 Stefanova E.B. 1 Stenkina M.P. 1 Kolesnik S.A. 1 Sirota E.N. 1 Milutina G.R. 1
1 Institute of the service sector and entrepreneurship (branch) DSTU
2 South Russian State Technical University
The results of studies of the effect of oil on the protective properties of textile structures. The penetration of oil into a package of clothing materials and modification of insulation may change its original thermal insulation properties. Estimated the impact of modifying the thermal conductivity of «Kevlar» fiber insulation, exposed to oil. To establish the combined effect of factors such as the weight of «Kevlar» and oil to heat- insulation characteristics, a number of experimental studies. It was established experimentally that the «Kevlar» as part of the traditional synthetic insulation is not only a means to improve thermal resistance ( fire resistance) clothes, but also a way to increase the stability of its thermal protection . The analysis of the experimental data revealed that the oil absorption insulation leads to a significant increase in its thermal conductivity, which should be considered when developing an improved method of calculating the design parameters protected from oil heated clothing, where its thickness in the main level determines the level of efficiency of thermal protection.