Kuspekov K.A. 1
1 The Kazakh national technical university of K.I.Satpaeva»
A transport network is examined as a variety of engineering networks. Resulted feasibility study and planning of transport networks, influence of geometry of route on network configuration. The method of constructing an optimal network configuration for cargo handling and transport and storage (MRTS) works to specifically address the cargo along the shortest path from point of departure to destination point. In the process of planning a transport chart of network the geometrical is designed by the shortest lines relating the set points. A decision is taken to the problem of Steiner to the − construction of the shortest tree for the set great number of points with introduction of additional tops optimizing her decision. The Euclidean, orthogonal and arctic model of network is offered for the calculation of transport charts of MRTS of works. Each of the brought models over in the process of planning can will be used both independently and in combination with other models.