Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Lazutkina N.A. 1
1 Murom institute  of the Vladimir State University 
Aim is to develop approaches to energy production processes. The main requirement when choosing energy should be simple definition, its dependence on the main parameters of the optimized process. Found that the physical quantity corresponding to these requirements can serve as energy process. It seems reasonable to define energy intensity by comparing energy consumed and the amount of output. The problem of optimizing the process of machining of machine parts is complex, requiring the analysis and selection of technology solutions at different levels of the design and the minimum values of the reduced costs, while upholding a number of technical limitations. Under the main purpose of the process or operation in engineering is commonly understood to ensure product quality through the most productive at the lowest cost.