Lezhnev L.Y. 1
Ivanov D.A. 1
1 Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow state university of mechanical engineering (MAMI)”
In this paper describes the methods of increase of energyefficient activities of engines with an external supply heat, working in autonomous energy supply heat. Considered several methods those are to increase the peak temperature of work cycle and the pressure of working fluid, to increase the rotary speed of engine with an external supply heat and application of the heat’s regenerator.Based on the analysis of the considered methods, it was decided to use a heat’s regenerator as the primary method of increase ofenergyefficient activities of engines with an external supply heat, which realized the regenerative thermodynamic cycle. Heat’s regeneratorduring operationacts as a thermalaccumulator:takesheat fromthe working fluidin directitsflow fromhot to coldvolume andgives it tothe reversecurrent of the workingfluid.