Litvintseva A.V. 1
Obolonin M.A. 1
1 Volgogard State Technical University
This article is about choosing the kind of low-speed vocoder to create a software model of voice transmission over hydro acoustic channel, which has better quality of speech and more natural sounds. We have considered different types of vocoder, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Also linear prediction of speech was examined for using in receiver part of vocoder and characteristics of the sound wave in sonar environment. As result of our work harmonic vocoder with linear prediction of speech in receiver was chosen for base of software model of low speed vocoder of voice transmission over hydro acoustic channel. It is possible to transmit signal with reduced rate while maintaining speech characteristics of a speaker. This model takes advantage in control of transmitted and predicted voice intervals, which can be useful to determine vocoder parameters to improve effectiveness of linear prediction of speech.