Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Lihodedov A.D. 1 PortnyaginN.N. 2
1  «The Kamchatka state technical university»
2  RSU of oil and gas n.a.Gubkin
At designing of frequency regulation of the electric drive there is a necessity to constructthe adequate models of proceeding electromechanical processes to the full considering specificity for the engine. For approbation of models comparison with physically realized process on the real equipment is necessary in this connection there is a necessity of definition parameters of real electric motors for checking of adequacy of model.In this article the mathematical model of vector regulation by the asynchronous electric motor is described. The model allows to trace electromechanical processes of electric motor at its work. Schedules of the mechanical and electric transients characterizing start-up of the electric motor are received. The mechanical characteristic of the electric motor with vector regulation is constructed, mechanical characteristic demonstrate increase of a loading range. The estimation of adequacy of model is made. Mathematical experiments and model creation are executed in the graphic environment of simulation modeling Simulink - the exhibit to package Matlab.