Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Matveeva I.V. 1 Vlasova K.V. 2 Linnik M.A. 3 Sinyavskaya E.D. 4 Fokin L.A. 5
1 Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
2 Baltic Fishing Fleet State Academy (BFFSA)
3 Pacific State University
4 Southern Federal University
5 South Ural State University
The article describes the method of design of quantum circuit specifications, based on tabulated Boolean functions data. The method is considered as an example of building a set of new Boolean quantum circuits synthesized based on Reed – Muller polarized polynomials (FPRM) to have the best polynomial forms on the basis of preliminary statistical analysis of certain FPRM characteristics at all polarities. Matrix entry and software implementation of basic quantum converters is described, includind: NOT, C1NOT, C2NOT, SWAP. An example of the construction of a set of quantum circuits for quantum Boolean function for a given 1–0 table presented. The article shows, that the problem of synthesis and optimization of quantum circuits can be reduced to the traditional logical decisions. Illustrations, demonstrating transitions from automatically synthesized quantum circuits for different polarities of the Reed-Muller polynomials to quantum circuits with the least number of converters, presented.