Astapovich Y.M. 1
Mityashin N.P. 1
Bilyukov R.V. 1
Kalistratov N.A. 1
1 Saratov state technical university named after Gagarin Y. A.
The problem of the distribution of load between units operating in parallel. The general systems of different domains technique of automatic flow control of energy resources. based on the measurement of the current load, calculate the required distribution and subsequent calculation of the real-time control settings. The method is considered as an example of semiconductor inverter collected in a “controlled DC link - stand-alone inverters connected in parallel with different nominal capacity.” We also consider the application of the technique to the distribution of flows in the lines of the shop a low-temperature separation of condensate mixture connected in parallel between the primary source and main pipeline purified gas. Advantages of the method – the ability to perform a given distribution of the flow of resources in real-time systems and applicability in different physical nature.