Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Sarsikeev E.Z. 1 Obukhov S.G. 1 Plotnikov I.A. 1
1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
During autonomous power-supply systems development with wind power plants it is necessary to solve a lot of technical problems, connected with efficient ratio between the powers of generating and accumulating sources, tuning of automation systems, control systems parameters optimization, etc. The majority of aforemetioned problems can be solved only of the basis of WPP operating mode modelling. For this purpose the dynamic model of wind is required. From the position of wind power engineering the axial component of wind speed is of deep interest. The article deals with that component. For dynamic wind speed component modelling in the present work spectral Kaymal model is used. The model developed allow to tune the modelling degree of accuracy by presetting the sampling step and frequency spectrum. Moreover, it has common structure and can be easily implemented by using ordinary application programs. The dynamic model of wind speed axial component can find practical application in scientific research in small wind power engineering.