Pavlov A.A. 1
Pomozova B.A., 1Permyakova L.V. 1
Vereschagin A.L. 1
1 FGBOU VPO “Kemerovo Institute of Technology of the Food Industry” Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2 Biysk institute of technology (branch) of FGBOU VPO “The Altai state technical university of I.I.Polzunov”
Possibility of activation of activity of dry brewing yeast by means of the regulator of a power exchange – mixes of organic acids of a cycle Krebsa is investigated. Influence of various concentration of a mix of acids is investigated and its positive influence on activity of enzymes of cages of yeast, and also on a physiological condition of barmy culture at the expense of increase in permeability of cellular membranes is shown. Use of the yeast activated in solution of acids in concentration 1.10-10mol/dm3, positively affects process of fermentation of a beer wort that is confirmed with production tests at the operating enterprise. Process of fermentation was reduced by 1 day, physiological indicators of barmy culture it is better in comparison with control option without processing, quality indicators and the organoleptic characteristic of beer conforms to standard requirements.