Popov A.M. 1
Tichonov N.V. 1
Tichonova I.N. 1
Makkoveev M.A. 1
1 Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology
The creation of this article was the necessity of experimental determination of theconductivity of juice depending on the concentration of solids, expressed by the empirical formula,in order to more preciselycontrol specificpower supplied to themachine and foaming. Authorsof thearticlewereheldstagedexperimental studies using apple juice,the juiceofredmountainash, buckthorn and black currant.Found that therelationship between the conductivityofthejuice solidscontent correspondsto the empirical formula Kohlrausch, however, this formula does not represent the contribution juice acidity value of conductivity,and alsoallowsto correlate the specific power input tothe devicewith the concentration of solids.The empiricalformulas for the distribution of electricaljuicedependingon theacidity and to calculatethespecific powerdepending on the concentration of drymatter,allowsto keep the speedofthefoam belowitsdestruction speed in the zone of vigorous reflux.